Importance of on-site Daycare Services provided by Employer to Employee.

Why Company /Corporate should provide Daycare Facility to Employees:

Success of any company depends on how motivated their employee is towards the company, how much they loyal are.

People working with you are just not your workers but they have their private lives and are the part of the organization.

Quality of work of an employee can be effected by their personal life. Hopeless employee are repeatedly inefficient, this alongside has long absences that causes reduced production of the company which ultimately decreases the profit. When an employee get marry their responsibilities increases which sometime effect their work quality as well specially after having children.

Now on this stage if company shows some Interest and concerns about their personal problems and tell them they are the part of the Organization it is more likely they are going to be more loyal towards the company and their quality of work will also increase. Daycare is the new buzz word in the corporate world. It must be the perk or the part of social responsibility of the company to provide child care services to their employees. The best thing which company can gift to their employee is on-site daycare.  As it is stated that “whatever influences the employees influences the organization”


The benefits to employee and company of on-site daycare facilities are sated as below.

  • Quality of Work:                                                                                                                                 The quality of work of employee will increase if their child is in front of their eyes or accessible easily. The concentration of work will also increase leading towards higher profit level to the companies.
  • No fear of losing Brilliant Employees:                                                                                           When working women become mother the biggest question comes in front of her is how to continue job with an infant, where to leave, how to take care, who will and what will be the quality of care for their child. And on other side Company faces the fear of  losing the brilliant employee due to her Motherhood. But providing them the on-site daycare facility this fear of company also finish and mothers who want to carry their career after becoming mother will also be at ease.
  • Less separation anxiety:                                                                                                                  Average maternity leaves in multi-national company is hardly of 2 to 3 months. Leaving behind your infant of 2 months is very difficult for a mom. But when company will provide them on-site daycare facility their anxiety of separation will comes to zero and will not affect their quality of work.
  • Flexible work hours:                                                                                                                          As we all know that many time employees have to sit late hours or do overtime due to work load. In that case if child is not in the same premises they cannot spare their time for the company but when they will be sure that child is near them accessible, they feel secure and this thing will fuel them professionally.
  • Reduced employee absenteeism:                                                                                              When the child is near the mother, there are the less chances of leaves as well. Even if Company is providing on-site facility than there is lesser maternity leaves.
  • Strengthens the image of caring and responsible employer:                                           When company provides on-site daycare service they tell employee that they are important to company and organization care for them and they matter a lot to the company.
  • Saving cost on recruiting and training of new staff:                                                          If employee becomes mother there is no fear of losing the employee because they will be coming back and company cost of hiring and training of new staff will be saved as well.



As it is said by Annie M Mulchy: “Employees are the company’s greatest assets. They are your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best, provide them with courage, stimulus, and make them feel that they are integral part of the company mission.”

Employee of a company are your real assets. They are the one who are making the magic happened as long company is fulfilling their needs. So the best thing is to give them on-site daycare facilities to encourage them to work with more dedication and love. Because whatever influences the employee influences the company.


Childys Daycare proudly announce that we are providing on-site Daycare facility on Corporate level. Any company is free to contact us and ask for details.

Below is the link to our Company Profile:

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Recently Dawn news covered Childys performance. the link to their article is mentioned below:


Childys is providing quality child care services from last 3 years. It is situated in the heart of Karachi on main Shahrah e Faisal. We cater kids from the age of 2 weeks till 8 years. the premises of Childys is fully air-conditioned, CCTV camera secured, preschool with in-house kitchen facility along with karate, taekwondo and musical classes as well.

This article is written by Childys Daycare & Playgroup.







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