Child Molestation

Child molestation/abuse is a word whenever we heard being a human it left us in deep thought/anger/anxiety. Now days whenever we tune on television or sign in social media we saw such posts. And this news left us in grief and anger but with that we got worry for our kids as well. We can find lot of debate and things that how the culprits should be punished and they mentally ill people. These sorts of people are found in every society and every era of time. And they should be hanged till death. But the reason why we are coming to know about these incidents is media. Media gave us this strength to come up and speak about all these incidents. Now the Parents and well as girls are also confident and they know about their rights that’s why they speak and make other people aware about it.

Now the question comes that being Parent what should we do to protect our child from this evil act. We should need to teach our kids about some points which we are going to discuss in this article.

  1. BECOME FRIEND OF YOUR CHILD: I always insist to my dear Parents that if you want your child not to hide anything and discuss each and everything with you than you should become their friend.

You have to give them that confidence that they don’t shy and feel hesitant to share their problems and their experiences outside the home. We all knew one thing that we cannot bound our kids to sit at home for whole life, one day they have to step out from the house and explore the world but we have to make sure that what environment we are providing them. If your child wants to talk to you and you are busy just leave all the work and always listen to them. They must have something to tell you which is very important for them. And give them confidence to speak about their problems with you. Do tell them sharing your problems with you is the key to solve their problem. And give them space to express their feelings. And teach them some important points which are as follow as well. Remember, if you are not going to teach them ups and down of life. And you will feel shy to speak about problems and cruelty of world. Believe me world is going to teach them about it so discuss about touches and how to treat strange peoples.




  1. What is bad and good touches:

Tell your child about good and bad touches. Tell them if any stranger or any person from family or friends touch your child, he/she should know that what a bad and good touch is.

A good touch make you feel good, warmth and comfortable and you feel safe. And this give us good feeling.

A bad touch make you uncomfortable and

We feel uneasy. And we become afraid, sad, embarrassed and ashamed.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: we should touch our child that their body belongs to them and it’s their decision to say to any person with whom they don’t feel comfortable. Its ok if we they don’t feel comfortable in shaking hand as well.



We should told swimsuit covers it, it’s a private area and no one should be seeing or touching that area. Tell a grown-up if someone is touching you in the wrong places because it’s a Mommy and Daddy’s job to keep you safe. It’s a simplified version but easy for younger children to understand.


GIVE THEM POWER TO SAY “NO”: Always tell them if they are not feeling comfortable with any touch they should speak about it. Always keep the lines of communication open.

COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATE AND COMMUNICATE: The hardest part for Parents is to communicate about this topic. But try to communicate. Problem with Asian parents is this that we don’t communicate with our kids we don’t tell them about ups and downs. we don’t live in wonderland or fantasy world. Remember, “Kids understand reality if you tell them. Half the time you’re just trying to baby-talk them to understanding the world differently,” Kids as young as two years of age understand that certain body parts are private. We should tell them the same. Parents can avoid the mushy ‘this is a pee-pee’ talk sometimes and tell them the importance of their body parts.

SHOUT! SHOUT! SHOUT!:  Many parents will not agree with this point. We always teach our children to be polite, sweet and soft in front of strangers. And they have to behave well. They should be allowed to scream and shout when they get any negative vibes from any strangers or relatives. Never scold them immediately always try to understand why they are complaining. There must be some reason behind it.


Very important thing in this topic which we forget to tell our kids. That it’s not only someone touch your body but it is the same if somebody ask you to touch his body. All rules are same, even for boys and girls both.

“May Allah protect our little kids from evil eyes.”

This article is written by Childy’s Daycare and Preschool. . Childy’s Daycare & Preschool is an institute that provides a home like stable environment to children. In Childy’s we don’t have maid system. Children’s every work is done by qualified daycare attendants. While changing diapers disposable gloves are used and they make sure to sanitize their hands. And children have different diaper changing area as well. Children are given care in safe, loving and caring environment.











Designed By Childys.