Why Company /Corporate should provide Daycare Facility to Employees: Success of any company depends on how motivated their employee is towards the company, how much they loyal are. People working with you are just not your workers but they have […]
Another very brutal and humanity less incident took place last week about 8year cute little girl Asifa. Her crime was only this that her God and the rapist God was different. Her story left me in tears while reading it […]
Child molestation/abuse is a word whenever we heard being a human it left us in deep thought/anger/anxiety. Now days whenever we tune on television or sign in social media we saw such posts. And this news left us in grief […]
When a mother decide to go out from home and start her career. The first question which comes in front of her is where to leave kids. After deciding a safe and secure place like home the most important question […]
A MESSAGE OF SPECIAL NEED MOM TO OTHER SPECIAL NEED CHILDREN MOTHERS After the wait of 38 weeks, high blood pressure, sleepless nights, washroom sessions after every ten minutes, beside all this things lot of wait, lot of excitement and […]
ROLE OF FATHER MORE THAN A BILL PAYING MACHINE Have you ever witnessed emperor penguin female? When lays egg after laying eggs she went into the deep water for two months and male emperor penguin take care of the eggs. […]
Kid’s education is every parent’s number one priority. The early years of a child are most important for their mental growth, but we certainly cannot start teaching them rigorously like grown up kids because of their short attention span and […]
A sweet letter for all those worried mom of newly school going/ daycare going child!!!!!!! My dear sweet mummy, I know you love me a lot. I mean the whole world to you. You love me in this world more […]
“WORKING AND BREAST FEEDING MOMS” “As my due date was coming ahead, my sleepless nights, duration going to washroom was on peak. I cannot work properly and can’t sit a lot and was unable to work not due to […]
ARE YOU A WORKING WOMAN?? Oh how you left your kid at Daycare?” “I can’t leave my child at any cost” “At 11 I make meal for my kid by my own hand and I also feed him by my […]