Oh how you left your kid at Daycare?” “I can’t leave my child at any cost”
“At 11 I make meal for my kid by my own hand and I also feed him by my hand.”
“You people must be ordering food daily from outside as you are working?”

“How you take out time for your husband?”
“Oh poor kid he spends all day without his mother?”
“How nanny is going to look after your kid? He will get spoil there.”

“We use to look after our kid by our own. We use to wake up whole night.”

These are just the glimpse of questions which working woman face daily by the society in which she is living.PIC ART 2
The most miserable person in a working woman life is his child and than her husband because of her as they are suffering. Working woman doesn’t cook at home, their kitchens are dirty and personally they are living so much fantasy life because they are far away from home chores.
The future of their kids is on risk. Because the whole day they don’t cook food for their infant. They don’t change diapers whole day. They are enjoying their time sitting in office in air conditions and enjoying coffee or tea over there. In the morning they wake up get ready and put make up and leave home and spend their time in office enjoying and come back and order food and sleep.

Their husbands are extreme compromising that they don’t have any demands from their wives and they are extreme obedient and they know very well that their wives are extreme tired so they don’t ever dare to disturb their wives and do all their work by themselves. On weekends they have two days to rest in which they spend whole day shopping or watching movie and ordering food out there.
For all your queries, questions and assumptions. The problem is this we live in a world where we think that we are the best people on earth and we are giving our best and we have lot of problems and we are living in a miserable life. And all people are living in dream world.

Life for women was never easy in this world but here I want to put little light on life of “A Working Woman”.
When a woman decides to work the main thing is the balance between his career and her personal life. And usual concept is this his husband children and all people who are dependent on her are going to suffer and just to eliminate this factor she work triple hard to overcome this problem.

It’s a little voice for the working women who face the problems around them.
My dear fellows who think life of working women is a world of fantasy, lets have a random eye on it. the working women have to wake up look after the home than have to get ready and look good as well and if she have kids getting them ready and going to office before going to office she is almost done with her half of the house hold chores because she knows she has to spend next 8 hours away from home. Prepare the kids for daycare and if the nanny is coming at her place than also has to make arrangements. And after office and cooking all that work which a women do in whole day she has to do in few hours because has to go to bed early as well to wake up early in the morning for office.

They are also responsible for financial issues of their home as well. They are those champs which we forget to appreciate.
And believe me they are the Super Moms as well. And a Super Wives as well.
And they love their kids as same as the other mothers love their kids. They try to give the best as others are giving to their kids.

And lastly My Dear Working Ladies, believe me you are the best and giving your best just turn a deaf ear to the society because you know what is best for you and your child and husband and remember “nobody knows what problems you are facing and nobody is walking in your shoes of life” so you better know what is good for you.
And for your children I always says in my articles “ the journey of motherhood is between you and your kid so enjoy it, live it and love it and you know the best for your kid not others take advises but do what you think is good for your child.”

You are the best moms, best wives and best women. So keep on moving in your lives wish you all the best for it.

This article is written by Childy’s daycare and preschool. It’s an institute that provides daycare services from age of 40 days till 8 years. We believe in early child development but without burdening your kid. We have fun based learning syllabus where we prepare your kid for any good school to get admitted in class 1. We provide services as per your convenience. Have an appointment with doctor or parlor, invited at party or any other issues; Childy’s is there to cater your kids.

Designed By Childys.